Advent of Code 2023 - Day 4

December 4, 2023 (Last modified Mon Oct 14 12:27 AM -0400)

Sometimes it’s hard to predict just how hard an AoC puzzle will be. Some that look like a breeze will end up taking days, meanwhile the ones that seem like impossible tasks are done after half an hour, and luckily today was one of the latter puzzles.

Click here to see my source code for this day’s problem.

If you haven’t solved today or any day’s puzzle yet yourself, there’s bound to be spoilers in these writeups.

Part 1

So, we’re given a bunch of scratchcards. For each card, the lefthand group of numbers is the winning numbers, and the righthand side is the numbers present on the card.

Card 1: 41 48 83 86 17 | 83 86  6 31 17  9 48 53
Card 2: 13 32 20 16 61 | 61 30 68 82 17 32 24 19
Card 3:  1 21 53 59 44 | 69 82 63 72 16 21 14  1
Card 4: 41 92 73 84 69 | 59 84 76 51 58  5 54 83
Card 5: 87 83 26 28 32 | 88 30 70 12 93 22 82 36
Card 6: 31 18 13 56 72 | 74 77 10 23 35 67 36 11

To determine the value of a card we need to find the count of winning numbers present, with point values starting from 1 and doubling with each number found. In other words, 2 ^ (winner_count - 1).

def get_win_count(self, card: Card):
    return len([n for n in card.found_numbers if n in card.winning_numbers])
total = 0

for card in
    win_count = self.get_win_count(card)

    if win_count:
        total += 2 ** (win_count - 1)

For the sample input, this looks like:

Card 1: 41 48 83 86 17 | [83] [86]  6 31 [17]  9   [48] 53 -> 4 Winners -> 2^(4-1) -> 8 Points
Card 2: 13 32 20 16 61 | [61] 30   68 82 17   [32] 24   19 -> 2 Winners -> 2^(2-1) -> 2 Points 
Card 3:  1 21 53 59 44 | 69   82   63 72 16   [21] 14  [1] -> 2 Winners -> 2^(2-1) -> 2 Points
Card 4: 41 92 73 84 69 | 59   [84] 76 51 58    5   54   83 -> 1 Winner  -> 2^(1-1) -> 1 Point
Card 5: 87 83 26 28 32 | 88   30   70 12 93   22   82   36 -> 0 Winners ->         -> 0 Points
Card 6: 31 18 13 56 72 | 74   77   10 23 35   67   36   11 -> 0 Winners ->         -> 0 Points

Add them all up, and you get 13 points.

Part 2

Now things get a fair bit more complicated. So…

Instead of awarding points, winning scratchcards award more scratchcards. Cards that have X winning numbers award one each of the next X cards, so in our example card 1 awards one each of 2, 3, 4, and 5. So, the goal now is to calculate the total number of scratchcards we’ll end up with, assuming we start with one of each.

Reusing get_win_count from above, my strategy for this part was to maintain a dictionary of card id -> card totals, updating the numbers as I traveled down the list.

for card in
    card_score = self.get_win_count(card)

    for i in range(, + card_score):[i].card_count += card.card_count

card_total = sum([card.card_count for card in])

Edit: I decided to go back and re-factor my part 2 code to make the logic a bit neater, including moving the card_count value from a dictionary to a value stored on each card directly.

My original solution, for posterity:
cards_owned = { 1 for card in}

current_card =[0]
card_score = self.get_win_count(current_card)
cards_owned[] = 1

while current_card is not None:
    for i in range( + 1, + 1 + card_score):
        if i in cards_owned:
            cards_owned[i] = cards_owned[i] + cards_owned[]
            cards_owned[i] = cards_owned[]

    if < len(
        current_card =[]
        card_score = self.get_win_count(current_card)
        current_card = None

Stepping through the sample input with this algorithm looks something like this:

Step 1
[1 Owned] Card 1 -> 4 Winners -> 1 Each of [2, 3, 4, 5]
[1 Owned] Card 2 -> 2 Winners 
[1 Owned] Card 3 -> 2 Winners
[1 Owned] Card 4 -> 1 Winner 
[1 Owned] Card 5 -> 0 Winners
[1 Owned] Card 6 -> 0 Winners
Step 2
[1 Owned] Card 1 -> 4 Winners -> 1 Each of [2, 3, 4, 5]
[2 Owned] Card 2 -> 2 Winners -> 2 Each of [3, 4]
[2 Owned] Card 3 -> 2 Winners
[2 Owned] Card 4 -> 1 Winner 
[2 Owned] Card 5 -> 0 Winners
[1 Owned] Card 6 -> 0 Winners

Since we own 2 copies of card 2 now, we get another two copies of 3 and 4 when we process 2. Continuing onward:

Step 3
[1 Owned] Card 1 -> 4 Winners -> 1 Each of [2, 3, 4, 5]
[2 Owned] Card 2 -> 2 Winners -> 2 Each of [3, 4]
[4 Owned] Card 3 -> 2 Winners -> 4 Each of [4, 5]
[4 Owned] Card 4 -> 1 Winner 
[2 Owned] Card 5 -> 0 Winners
[1 Owned] Card 6 -> 0 Winners
Step 4
[1 Owned] Card 1 -> 4 Winners -> 1 Each of [2, 3, 4, 5]
[2 Owned] Card 2 -> 2 Winners -> 2 Each of [3, 4]
[4 Owned] Card 3 -> 2 Winners -> 4 Each of [4, 5]
[8 Owned] Card 4 -> 1 Winner  -> 8 Each of [5]
[6 Owned] Card 5 -> 0 Winners
[1 Owned] Card 6 -> 0 Winners
Step 5
[1  Owned] Card 1 -> 4 Winners -> 1 Each of [2, 3, 4, 5]
[2  Owned] Card 2 -> 2 Winners -> 2 Each of [3, 4]
[4  Owned] Card 3 -> 2 Winners -> 4 Each of [4, 5]
[8  Owned] Card 4 -> 1 Winner  -> 8 Each of [5]
[14 Owned] Card 5 -> 0 Winners -> No change
[1  Owned] Card 6 -> 0 Winners
Step 6
[1  Owned] Card 1 -> 4 Winners -> 1 Each of [2, 3, 4, 5]
[2  Owned] Card 2 -> 2 Winners -> 2 Each of [3, 4]
[4  Owned] Card 3 -> 2 Winners -> 4 Each of [4, 5]
[8  Owned] Card 4 -> 1 Winner  -> 8 Each of [5]
[14 Owned] Card 5 -> 0 Winners -> No change
[1  Owned] Card 6 -> 0 Winners -> No change

After the last step we end up with 1 copy of card 1, 2 of card 2, 4 of card 3, 8 of card 4, 14 of card 5, and 1 of card 6, for a grand total of 30 cards.

Closing Thoughts

The difficulty curve for the puzzles this year has been hard to predict. I guess that’s Advent of Code in a nutshell, but the gap in difficulty between days feels particularly chaotic this year. Of course, it’s only a matter of time until we face the inevitable dropoff point. Last year there was a fairly sizeable drop in submissions after day 6, followed by a fairly steady decrease each day. Of course, this year’s stats have already seen fairly large drops even as early as day 2 so it’s hard to say how the rest of the puzzles will pan out.
