Ask if anyone in the party needs any last minute supplies before heading out.

April 15, 2024 (Last modified Fri Oct 18 2024 1:08 AM -0400)

Alright, before we head out do you guys need to stock up on anything? I’ve got a couple days worth of food and some other supplies on me, but if we need anything else it’s probably best to get it now.The Undertaker and El Disgusto both look at one another, then shake their heads. “Nah man, Senor Taker and I are good to go!” Satisfied with this answer, you lead your group forward along the south road out of town.

Travel is slow going due to the snow, but you and your friends manage to keep yourself entertained with chit-chat. Among other things, you and El Disgusto tell The Undertaker about your adventure, The Undertaker explains his history with Vince and Bubungo again for El Disgusto, and El Disgusto regales you with the story of his record-breaking rat hunt. You end up spending most of the day hiking, only pausing periodically to eat an apple or take a short breather. As you make your way south through the mountains the snow gradually recedes, and by dusk you finally find yourselves on clear ground again.

With the sun having just set, you decide to stop for a moment and take a look back at your friends. The Undertaker appears to be doing fine, but you can see El Disgusto breathing heavily and struggling to keep his feet under him. Noticing you’ve stopped, he plops himself on the ground next to a tree and looks up at you. “Hey amigos… how about we call it a night? I’m sure the others will still be around in the morning.The Undertaker stops next to El Disgusto and shoots him a disappointed look. “I disagree, the longer we wait the more powerful our enemies become. Besides, from here it should only be another few hours until we reach Wrestler’s Rest.” In spite of his protests, you’re sure you can hear a hint of weariness in The Undertaker’s voice.

Will you choose to set up camp here for the night, or continue along the road until you reach Wrestler’s Rest?

> Set up camp for the night, but prepare to travel faster tomorrow to make up for lost time.

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