Make plans to stop at Hollow Hold first and meet up with Macho Man, try to find The Ultimate Warrior's pills and free him if we can, then make for Wrestlympus.

April 15, 2024 (Last modified Tue May 21 1:47 AM -0400)

Satisfied with El Disgusto’s compromise, you and your group begin to look over the map of Wrestlemania to form a plan. While this is the first time you’ve seen a proper map of this country, you are able to roughly work out the path you’ve followed on your journey up to this point based on the names of various landmarks. Mount Wrestlympus, unsurprisingly, sits in the center of the map. The forest you arrived in, the Rock Tribe’s village and Hollow Hold all lie near the southern border of Wrestlemania, Sumo Town, Loincloth and Dragon’s Hollow can all be found far to the northwest within a region marked “Wrestlemanian Wilds”, and Savagegrad is far to the northeast within the “Wrestlemanian Highlands”. A few unfamiliar landmarks also catch your eye, including a village named “Wrestler’s Rest” which is south of Mount Wrestlympus near where you remember Vince’s tomb being, as well as a mysterious landmark on the outskirts of Hollow Hold simply labeled “Barbecue Glade”.

After a few minutes of research you turn to your team, confident in your new plan. “All right, I think we should head to Hollow Hold and pick up Macho Man first, then we’ll make our way back to The Rock Tribe’s village and try to rescue The Ultimate Warrior. Then we should be good to meet up with Mankind and those servants in Wrestlympus.The Undertaker and El Disgusto both nod, satisfied with your plans. The Undertaker then picks up the map and signals for you to look at something. “Just so you know, I think we might be able to pick up The Rock too. In your vision you said he was in some big graveyard, and to me that sounds like the Eternal Arena over here in Wrestler’s Rest. That right there is the biggest necropolis in all of Wrestlemania, and we’re gonna have to pass right through it before we get anywhere else.” How convenient! He finishes rolling up the map as you grab your pack, and the three of you exit the longhouse.

Your party is in Savagegrad, standing outside El Disgusto’s home. You’re carrying a pack containing food, survival supplies, and 2340 gold. Will you enact your plan and head south towards Hollow Hold, or derail your adventure yet again for a shopping spree in Savagegrad?

> Ask if anyone in the party needs any last minute supplies before heading out.

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