Suggest heading back to Wrestlympus first, Mankind seemed like he could use some backup.

April 15, 2024 (Last modified Tue May 21 1:47 AM -0400)

I’m thinking we should head back to Wrestlympus first, things were looking pretty rough there and I think Mankind might appreciate the help.El Disgusto nods his head, “Sounds good to me! You guys wait here, just give me a minute to pack up.” He then takes the hands of the two female butlers and marches out of the kitchen, leaving you alone with The Undertaker. To your surprise, he looks less than thrilled by your decision.

Are you crazy, kid? Wrestlympus is like John Cena and the ape’s base of operations, if you and your whole gang couldn’t do anything to them before then what help will just the three of us be now?” You consider The Undertaker’s point; it is true that even your original squad of seven weren’t able to do much when you first visited Wrestlympus, and now you no longer have the element of surprise. That said, you do think this seems unusually reserved for The Undertaker, given he’s been more than willing to follow your lead up to this point. “I’ll think about it, right now I don’t even know how to get to Wrestlympus from here.

The Undertaker perks up a bit again, and begins digging into his coat pockets. “Actually, I might have something that could help you there.” He produces a tightly rolled scroll from his pocket and unrolls it on the table in front of you, revealing an ornately illuminated map of the entire nation of Wrestlemania! “Snagged this from Tinky Winky’s map shop before he sent us here, figured it might come in handy.” Just as you start to examine the map, El Disgusto returns. He’s now wearing proper clothes and carrying a tattered sack. “Alright hombres, I could hear what you were saying from the living room, so I told my posse to head to Wrestlympus ahead of us. Now Mankind should have plenty of help on the way no matter where we go first!” What a surprisingly ambitious plan from El Disgusto.

Will you go with your gut and lead your squad to Wrestlympus, or look over The Undertaker’s map and work out an alternate plan?

> Make plans to stop at Hollow Hold first and meet up with Macho Man, try to find The Ultimate Warrior's pills and free him if we can, then make for Wrestlympus.

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