Go to the town and immediately hunt down the warmest, least diaper-like clothing you can find.

April 14, 2024 (Last modified Fri Oct 18 2024 1:08 AM -0400)

With the initial shock from your landing subsiding, you’re very quickly realizing just how cold it really is. Desperate to finally get out of your makeshift rope underwear and into something warm you rush in the direction of town, leaving your new companion struggling in the snowbank behind you.

After a few minutes of trekking you manage to reach the town proper, the ankle-deep snow giving way to a well maintained cobblestone road. The buildings around you resemble viking longhouses built out of wood and stone brick, but at this point you’re much too cold to care about the oddities of Wrestlemania’s architecture. As you march forward you pass several townsfolk giving you odd looks and making curious remarks about your unconventional choice of clothes, but you pay them no mind as you continue deeper into town. Reaching what you assume is the town square you make a bee-line towards the closest store, and upon entering you’re immediately greeted by the warmth of a roaring fireplace behind the counter. You walk up to the counter and the shopkeeper initially greets you, before noticing your attire. “Hello, welcome to… what the hell are you wearing?” Without a beat you reach into your pack, fish out a fistful of gold coins, and dump them on the counter. “Look, I really don’t have time to explain. Please just give me the warmest clothing you have.

The shopkeeper scoops up your pile of gold coins and hurries into a back room, then returns a few minutes later with a selection of fur clothes draped over one arm and a much smaller pile of gold coins clenched in his hand. “Uh, here you go buddy. This all came to 105 Gold, so here’s your change too. Feel free to duck into the restroom if you wanna change into that now.” You take the clothes and coins and excuse yourself to the bathroom to dry off and change. You emerge from the bathroom a few minutes later, already feeling more comfortable. Just as you’re stepping out The Undertaker bursts into the shop, panting heavily. “Now just what the hell was that about, leaving me in the dust!?” You can do nothing but stare blankly at him. “You know, I wouldn’t have needed to if you had just given me clothes when I asked.” He looks ready to snap back at you, but holds his tongue.

Well, you’ve certainly made an interesting first impression on the people of Savagegrad. What will you do now?

> Ask around for any info on El Disgusto's whereabouts.

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