Tie the rope around my waist to cover myself and continue west.

March 29, 2020 (Last modified Sun Mar 3 1:01 AM -0500)

You tie the rope around your pelvis like some sort of rope diaper. Amazing! This looks very normal. You continue heading west and try to find a beach without any observers. Eventually, you find a nice, secluded area, and pull yourself ashore. You pull the boat up on the sand so it can’t float away.

You are facing north on the beach. To the northeast is a short hill with a dirt path, possibly leading to civilization. To the west is a dark, brambled part of the mangroves with a single visible path. To the south are more mangroves as far as the eye can see.

Which way will you go?

> Take the path through the brambly mangroves, hoping the Undertaker was right about the town being to the west.

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