Ask my team if there's anything they think we should do before we make preparations to continue on to Wrestlympus.

August 29, 2024 (Last modified Wed Oct 9 1:41 AM -0400)

Cautiously satisfied with the results of the trial, you figure now would be a good time to start looking ahead towards Wrestlympus. “Alright, since we’re free to interact with the tribe now, is there anything we should plan on doing before we make our way to Wrestlympus to find Mankind and end this war?” you ask, addressing both your party and the gathered The Rock leaders.

While your allies take a moment to think, one of the The Rock tribesmen steps forward to address you and the group. “*While the tribe will likely still be wary of trusting any of you, we will still do what we can to support you nonetheless. While we know little of your plans or what awaits in Wrestlympus City, the council should be willing to answer any questions you may have regarding our own collective history with John Cena and Vince McMahon. We shall also provide you with rations and accommodations for the night, and our armorers and weaponsmiths will be at your disposal. Now, we have other business to attend to, so if you have further need of us you may find us in the council chambers.” With that, the tribal leaders and their guards excuse themselves, leaving your group alone in the longhall.

Once the last The Rock tribesman has exited the room, your The Rock turns to speak with you. “While I am eager to return to Wrestlympus and find Mankind, I believe it may be in our best interest to make use of whatever resources we can while we’re here. The elders and the tribe’s loremaster likely know far more about Cena’s betrayal than I do, and it also wouldn’t hurt to arm ourselves for what lies ahead.” “Yeah, what he said.The Ultimate Warrior chimes in, “I don’t know much about these Rock fellas, but after what happened to all of us the first time we tried tackling Wrestlympus I think we could use all the help we can get. I don’t wanna turn any greener than I already am!” With that, the Warrior suddenly slaps you on the back and begins walking towards the door.

Welp, looks like The Ultimate Warrior has officially re-joined your party!

You’re in the longhall of The Rock Tribal compound. You’ve reunited with all of your missing party members but Mankind, whom you know is still in Wrestlympus. You’ve still got a multitool, your meager supply of food, some basic medical supplies, and however much money you were carrying, among other things I can’t be bothered to look up right now.

What will you do?

> Have a look around the local marketplace and see what we might need.

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