Ask where the nearest bathroom is.

August 13, 2024 (Last modified Wed Oct 9 1:41 AM -0400)

Shuddering in anticipation for the tribe’s final decision, you’re so nervous that you think you might wet your pants. It doesn’t help that you can’t recall a single time since you’ve arrived in Wrestlemania that you’ve actually used a bathroom. “Uhh… before this all goes down, any chance you could point me towards the closest restroom?” you stutter sheepishly to the gathered The Rocks. You hear Macho Man and your The Rock sigh, while El Disgusto suddenly chimes in saying “Actually, I could use one too!” Your The Rock elbows him in the back of the head in response, earning an “Ow! Ugh, sorry…” from El Disgusto.

The leader of the group glares at your team briefly. “There will be no leaving the chamber until the verdict has been delivered. Now, if there are no other comments or questions, we shall begin.” There’s a moment of silence before the elder continues. “Very good. Chaplain, please present the final verdict.” One of the ornately dressed The Rocks steps forward between your group and the elder, and produces a bound parchment scroll from within his robe. He then unbinds the scroll, unrolls it and begins to read.

“*Today, we the Great Tribesmen of The Rock Dynasty have been called upon once again to decide the fate of our exiled brother, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. He, who was cast out of the tribe never to return following the betrayal of his friend John Cena, claimed to have seen the error of his ways. The Tribe was also presented with additional evidence, claiming that we and the entire nation of Wrestlemania were misled and caught in the middle of a conspiracy laid out by President Vince McMahon.” The Chaplain pauses briefly to clear his throat. Your legs are wet with anticipation, and your entire party is visibly quaking waiting for the final verdict to be read.

Given the evidence presented and several hours of deliberation, The Tribe has arrived at the following unanimous conclusion: A temporary hold will be placed upon our brother’s exile. He and his allies will temporarily be allowed within tribal lands and be allowed to interact with his fellow tribesmen once again. We will also reaffirm our previous agreement to offer support in the fight against John Cena and his allies, should the conditions appear favorable.” You and your entire party finally relax and sigh with relief, however the relief is cut short by the leader stepping forward to speak once again.

Make no mistake, this is only a temporary arrangement. You may stay with the tribe for the night and speak with our people if you must, but do not think you are suddenly within our good graces. Should you actually succeed in taking down Cena and provide definitive proof of this supposed conspiracy between him, Bubungo and President McMahon, then we can potentially reconvene to discuss a more permanent end to your exile. Should that not come to pass, you will never be welcome here again. Is that understood?” “Understood, thank you elder.” your The Rock replies.

Well, that could’ve gone worse. Is there anything else you’d like to do while you’re here with the tribal leaders?

> Ask my team if there's anything they think we should do before we make preparations to continue on to Wrestlympus.

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