Describe my scrying vision and my meaty visions of Vince's deception.

July 31, 2024 (Last modified Wed Oct 9 1:41 AM -0400)

You sit thinking for a moment, trying to remember what evidence you’ve found to implicate Vince. Unfortunately, it seems that all the evidence you can think of came from visions and dreams. If only you had taken some time to discuss what you were going to say with your allies. Hopefully the Rock tribesmen believe in magic visions

You finally rise from your seat to address the Rock leader with your evidence. “Well you see, ever since our failed assault on Wrestlympus I’ve had a few unusual visions involving President McMahon. First, when all of us were originally split up The Undertaker here helped me perform a scrying ritual to find everyone. The ritual worked and told me exactly where everyone was, including showing me that The Ultimate Warrior was at this village, but when I tried to spy on the ape Bubungo I instead got a vision of Vince. He looked very mad, and it was almost like he knew I was scrying on him. I think that somehow their minds are linked in some way.

Gasps and chatter begin to emanate from the crowd of The Rocks around the hall, but they are quickly silenced by the elder banging his gavel. Once the room is quiet again, you continue. “Second, we recently encountered a group of powerful mystics called the BBQ Pit Druids. They called me their chosen one and performed a ritual with me, and the ritual caused me to see another vision. In it I saw Vince, and it looked like he was controlling both Cena’s forces and my allies together like puppets.” Even more gasps and chatter begin and are interrupted by the elder’s gavel once again. With your story done you take a seat, and the elder begins to address the rest of your party.

These visions of yours seem very enlightening, Mr. Gregory. Now, does anyone else among the traitor’s allies have any additional evidence to share?” In response, The Undertaker rises from his seat. “Yeah, I’ve got something to say too. The president tried to get me to train Bubungo ages ago, and that dirty ape stole all sorts of potions and reagents from me. Now it looks like he’s using those same reagents to make some spooky crap called tunnel drink to give people crazy powers.The Rock elder raises an eyebrow and leans in towards The Undertaker. “Tunnel drink? Please, tell me more.

For the next several hours you and your companions each take turns describing all your previous encounters with Vince McMahon and every bit of evidence you’ve found to connect him with Cena and Bubungo. You describe everything you’ve learned about tunnel drink, including its teleportation properties and how it seemed to mutate Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior, and how Bubungo was pumping it through HQ and had Vince suspended in a tank of it. The Undertaker goes into more detail about his past history with Vince and Bubungo, The Rock shares everything he learned from his time with the monks about why Vince’s death and resurrection seemed suspicious, and Macho Man goes into detail about everything that happened at Hollow Hold during and after the Hooligan’s assault.

Once you and your party have finished recalling your evidence, there is much chatter in the crowd and much pondering by the Rock elder. Finally, the elder slams his gavel and stands to address the entire room. “We have heard much evidence from our fallen brother and his allies. Now we must take the time to consider our verdict.” With that, the elder exits the hall, and shortly after the entire Rock tribe files out of the room behind him. Once the final The Rock exits the room you hear a click from the door, followed by the sound of rattling wood beams. Seems they’ve locked you in. You and your allies now find yourself sitting in the center of the dining hall alone in silence.

You’re unsure how long it will be before the tribe returns, is there anything you wish to do while you wait?

> Ask my companions if I should've tried to produce any actual, physical evidence at some point.

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