Realize that I should probably ask how this tribunal is going to go down before it actually starts.

July 19, 2024 (Last modified Wed Oct 9 1:41 AM -0400)

Suddenly realizing you don’t actually know what this tribunal is going to involve, you figure you should probably ask now so you aren’t going in completely blind. “Hey uh, Mr. Guard Rock, just out of curiosity how is this tribunal actually going to work?” You say to the guard as he begins ushering your gang out of the cell. He briefly looks at you with an incredulous look on his face, probably confused why you didn’t ask this hours ago. “It’s a bit late to give you the full rundown. This is basically going to be a discussion in front of the entire tribe to determine if your friend, the traitor, can be trusted. We’ll sit you all down, ask some questions, then the tribe will convene and make a decision. Make sense?” Seems simple enough. You nod to the guard. “Good, now follow me.

The guard leads you back to the main dining hall, which has been cleaned up somewhat since you ended The Ultimate Warrior’s rampage. All the tables and chairs have been righted, and the room has been reconfigured into a sort of makeshift courtroom. The entire tribe has once again gathered, filling most of the perimeter of the hall. In the center you see the tribal leader seated at his own table with a gavel in hand. The guard leads you and your allies to an open table across from the elder and gestures for you to sit. As you do, the elder rises from his seat and slams the gavel on the table, and suddenly the entire room goes quiet as he begins to address your The Rock. “We gather here today for the tribunal of our exiled brother and his allies. We will use this time to determine their standing amongst the tribe. Should you provide sufficient evidence that you have been reformed and have grown to understand the circumstances which led to your exile, we may consider allowing you amongst your peers once more. Otherwise, you and your allies will be banished once again. Is this understood?” Your The Rock nods and replies “Understood.” and the elder returns to his seat.

The elder takes a brief moment to look over your party before leaning in towards your The Rock to address him. “Now, you came here claiming that you have ‘learned the truth’ and have returned to the tribe with new information on our enemies, correct? Please explain to me these new facts you’ve supposedly found.” Your The Rock closes his eyes to think for a moment before responding. “When I was exiled, and later when I returned with Gregory and Macho Man to seek the tribe’s assistance, I believed that my former friend John Cena had been led astray by the Dark Lord of Wrestlemania. At that time I was under the impression this dark lord was the ape, Bubungo. However, in my travels since then I have come to believe that Bubungo is not the true dark lord. The true dark lord, who has been misleading this entire nation for many years, is none other than President Vince McMahon himself.

You hear waves of gasps and chatter from the crowd in response to The Rock’s revelation. The elder slams his gavel once again and leans in close to address these claims. “You claim President McMahon is a dark lord and has led this nation astray? This is a very serious claim, do you bring us any sort of proof?” Your The Rock gestures to you and the rest of the team as he replies. “Yes, my friends and I have all uncovered evidence that Vince is not what he seems.The Rock elder leans back in his seat and turns to face you directly. “Well then, if this is true then please present your evidence.

What evidence will you present to the court?

> Describe my scrying vision and my meaty visions of Vince's deception.

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