Ask The Ultimate Warrior if he recalls drinking any more of the tunnel drink since Wrestlympus, or if his sickly green color was the result of just the first sip.

July 14, 2024 (Last modified Wed Oct 9 1:41 AM -0400)

With all your party gathered, singing off the table and plenty of time to kill, you figure now’s as good a time as any to address the elephant in the room. “Hey Mr. Warrior” you begin, with The Ultimate Warrior immediately responding before you can even continue your thought. “Man, why do you keep calling me that? Just call me Warrior, or The Warrior or something. I’m your buddy, not your teacher.” Well, alright then. Noted.

Okay… well uh Warrior, I know you said you don’t remember much after you got teleported out of HQ, but out of curiosity do you have any memories of drinking any more tunnel drink at least?” You look to The Warrior in anticipation as he ponders to himself for a moment. “It’s hard to say, but I don’t think so. I figure that first bottle got left behind with my clothes when I teleported, and I don’t know where I would’ve found more since then. Not like I could’ve carried any with me even if I did anyways.” He gestures to the tablecloth he’s still wearing, which is now wrapped around him like a makeshift toga. “Why do you ask?

I dunno, it just seems odd that you were the only one who was effected by the tunnel drink. The rest of us woke up fine, other than the lack of clothes, but for some reason you turned green and that distrucity thing you have took over again.The Undertaker suddenly speaks up to continue this line of thinking. “Yeah, the only other person we found who got affected like that was Hulk Hogan. He went crazy and turned green too, but it turned him into some sort of giant monster to boot. It looked like he had way more of that weird drink than you did, though.

The Warrior looks slightly taken aback by what happened to Hulk Hogan. “Wow, guess I should be glad I didn’t drink any more than I did. Could be my body’s natural ability to channel distrucity messed with the tunnel drink somehow and made it hit me harder than you guys or something.” “Yeah, that makes sense.” You say, knowing full-well that nothing that’s been said in this entire conversation has made a lick of sense.

You’ve managed to kill some time, but you still have yet to hear anything about the tribunal. Do you have anything else on your mind?

> With the help of my allies, finally come to terms with the fact that Dragon's Hollow is not as interesting as its name would imply.

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