Explain our mission to retake Wrestlympus and ask if they can lend any support.

July 10, 2024 (Last modified Wed Oct 9 1:41 AM -0400)

Hoping that bringing an end to The Ultimate Warrior’s rampage has earned you back some trust in the eyes of the Rock Tribe, you step forward to address the pair of The Rocks approaching your group. “Sorry about our dropping in unannounced, but I think we’ve solved that crisis of yours. Now that we’ve saved The Ultimate Warrior, our goal is to return to Wrestlympus and retake the city. We already have other allies who’ve promised to help us in the battle, but it would be great if your tribe could provide some support as well if you’re able.” The leading The Rock looks at you with an annoyed gaze. “I should certainly hope you intend to return to Wrestlympus, given what became of it after your first visit! And the gall, to come here and clean up your own mess then act like we owe you for doing so, then imply that we should offer you help in cleaning up your even greater failure! Sickening.” Well, so much for that ‘earning back some trust’ idea.

Recognizing the growing tension between you and the tribal leader, your The Rock steps in between the two of you and addresses the pair of angry The Rocks himself. “Do not take your anger out on Gregory, he is naive but has nothing but the best intentions. It is I whom your quarrel is with. As I said when we arrived, I have already agreed to attend a tribunal to discuss what we have learned since our last visit. When the tribunal ends you and the rest of the tribe may cast your judgment on us, but until then please hear us out.” The pair of tribal The Rocks glance at one another, then nod in unison as the leader speaks once again. “Very well, you may have your tribunal. My guard will escort your group to a holding area while the tribe attempts to prepare the hall. You will receive my word when we are ready to begin.” With that, the tribal leader waves one hand to signal his guard, who simply says “Follow me” before leading your party out of the dining hall. Not wanting to cause any further commotion, you silently comply.

The guard leads your gang out of the hall and across the compound to a small hut, inside which you find a row of wooden cages. He then opens one of the cage doors, ushers the six of you inside, then closes the door and plants himself in front of it, saying “Be warned; no funny business.” This isn’t exactly going as you had hoped.

You’ve been locked in a cell in The Rock Tribe’s village, where you’ve been asked to stay until your tribunal. Is there anything you wish to say or do with your allies while you wait?

> Urge my allies to start up another round of wrestling songs to pass the time.

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