Try to get my bearings again then ask The Ultimate Warrior what's happened to him since Wrestlympus.

July 9, 2024 (Last modified Wed Oct 9 1:41 AM -0400)

You start trying to catch your breath and pick yourself up off the floor, and as you do The Ultimate Warrior notices you struggling and extends a hand to help lift you to your feet. “Oh, hey Gregory. What’s up?” He begins, now acting surprisingly calm, “Hey, do you have any idea where we are? Everything’s kind of a blur…

While you’re pleased to see The Ultimate Warrior acting sane again, his confusion concerns you. “It’s good to see you again, Mr. Warrior. We’re in The Rock Tribe’s village, me and the rest of the squad just came here to save you! Do you not remember how you got here?The Warrior looks at you, clearly still confused by his current circumstances. “The Rock Tribe? No, I don’t remember coming here at all. Last thing I remember was facing off against John Cena and that monkey back in HQ, then everything’s just a blank. Hang on… was I off my meds again?” You nod as you pull out the bottle of anti-destrucives. “Yeah, fortunately we got a fresh bottle of them back in Hollow Hold. I figured it would’ve taken a bit before your last dose ran out though, do you really not remember anything after HQ?

The Ultimate Warrior thinks to himself for a moment, before shaking his head. “Not a thing… you’re right though, normally these meds last way longer than that. Maybe the tunnel drink messed with my system or something. Would explain why my skin looks green too I guess.” You briefly consider what this might imply, but your thoughts are quickly interrupted by a sudden “A-hem” from behind you. Turning around, you see the gate guard The Rock and the tribal leader The Rock who both tried to stop you earlier are now approaching your group. “I apologize for breaking up this charming reunion, but I believe we have more serious matters to discuss.” the lead The Rock says as he approaches.

What will you say to the The Rocks?

> Explain our mission to retake Wrestlympus and ask if they can lend any support.

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