Suggest that we disguise The Rock and Macho Man before making our way to The Rock's village.

June 30, 2024 (Last modified Wed Oct 9 1:41 AM -0400)

Hey, before we get to the Rock Tribe’s village, what if we dress up Macho Man and The Rock in disguises? Maybe then the folks in the tribe won’t recognize them!” You feel you’ve come up with another brilliant plan, but as usual the look on your friends’ faces tells you they once again have no appreciation for your brilliance. “Uh, I don’t think there’s much you could possibly do to these two to make them not recognizable.The Undertaker adds in response.

C’mon guys, it would be better than nothing wouldn’t it?” You plead with your allies, who all begin to mumble and look amongst one another. Without another word, The Undertaker begins digging through his coat pockets and eventually produces a pair of orange wigs, two clip-on mustaches and two sets of glasses with no lenses. He tosses the accessories to The Rock and Macho Man, who reluctantly begin putting them on. After a few moments you’d swear you hardly recognize the two mustachioed redheads standing before you. “Perfect, we should get into the tribal village without a problem now!” you say as your party once again exchanges befuddled glances.

With the disguises in place, will you depart now?

> Begin making my way onwards before I notice one of my shoelaces has begun to loosen, and insist on stopping everything to redo it, only to then decide the other shoelace is also too loose comparatively and fix that one as well.

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