Accompany Macho Man and meet with the alchemy teacher.

June 28, 2024 (Last modified Tue Oct 15 2024 9:26 PM -0400)

Well we’re definitely going to need more pills for The Ultimate Warrior, so I guess we don’t have a choice. Lead the way, Macho Man.Macho Man nods in approval as you and the rest of the team line up to follow him. “Alright, great. Come along fellas, this shouldn’t take long.

Macho Man leads you and the rest of the team out of the dorm and across the quad to another, less damaged tower. Once inside you file down a spiral staircase leading down to a basement level, which you quickly recognize as the dungeon in which you originally encountered The Ultimate Warrior. Macho Man leads you directly to The Ultimate Warrior’s former cell, within which you see an man in a cloak facing away from you, taking notes on a clipboard.

Yo Mik, you got a minute? I’d like to introduce you to Gregory, he and I are gonna be heading out soon and we’re gonna need whatever you’ve got that can calm down The Ultimate Warrior.” Upon hearing Macho Man’s voice the man in the cage stops writing and turns to face your group. You see now that this is a very old, very bald individual, who is otherwise unremarkable in appearance aside from the odd stain-like mark on his forehead. This “Mik” fellow hobbles over to Macho Man for a handshake before turning to address you, speaking slowly and with a noticeably thick accent.

Ah yes, Gregory. Very good. You may call me as Mik, it is good to make your acquaintance. I am sure the Macho Man has told you I am this school’s instructor of alchemy. I have done much research on The Ultimate Warrior, trying to solve his reliance on the destrucity. So far there has been little progress, but with me I do have a bottle of our newest anti-destrucives. Please take it, and make it of good use.” He begins fishing through his pockets for a moment, eventually producing an amber bottle full of pills. He then passes you the bottle, which you shove into your pack.

Thanks, Mik. Do we just get him to swallow one of these and he’ll be good?” you ask the elderly alchemy instructor. “Yes, yes. One pill should be enough. This is fast acting, so only a few moments it should take before he calms down. If that is all you need, I will return to my research.” With that Mik turns back to his clipboard and resumes taking notes. Macho Man chimes in with a “Thanks, Mik!” before leading you back out to the quad.

Upon exiting the building, The Rock is the first to address your group. “Well that was less than enlightening, but at least we should be able to calm down The Ultimate Warrior when we find him. I’m still not sure how we’ll be able to get into my tribe’s compound, though.The Rock looks around the party, but El Disgusto is the only one to speak. “Aw, c’mon man. I’m sure we’ll figure something out, let’s just go with the flow!” Truly insightful commentary from El Disgusto, as usual.

You’re in the main courtyard of Hollow Hold, preparing to head out to find The Ultimate Warrior. You’re carrying a lot of random crap around, including a bit of food, some gold coins, a multitool, some tunnel drink, and now a bottle of anti-destrucives. Will you march on to The Rock’s tribal compound now, or is there more you would like to see or discuss while in Hollow Hold?

> Suggest that we disguise The Rock and Macho Man before making our way to The Rock's village.

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