Approach the gates and introduce my party.

June 12, 2024 (Last modified Fri Oct 18 2024 1:08 AM -0400)

Peering around your makeshift camp in the early morning light you notice your allies have all begun to stir as well. Guess you won’t be getting any more shuteye. Looking back over to the gate guards, from their glances and uneasy body language you get the impression they’re not super thrilled to have a group of strangers camping right next to the gates. As the rest of your party begins to wake up and get ready for the day, you decide to make your way over to the gate and hopefully diffuse any tension with the guards.

As you approach the gateway the two guards move to block the path. “Halt, what business do you have camping outside the walls at a time like this?” one of the guards asks you. “Yeah, sorry about that. We’ve been looking for one of our missing friends and got a tip that he might be helping out here at Hollow Hold. We arrived here late last night and the doors were all sealed, so we decided to just camp out until morning.” The guards give a suspicious glance to one another, seems they might have doubts about your story. “Well if that’s the case, may we ask who you all are and who it is you’re looking for?” the second guard asks.

You glance back towards your party for a moment, gesturing for your friends to join you once they’re ready before responding to the guard. “Of course, I’m Gregory. Back there packing up our camp are my friends The Rock, El Disgusto and The Undertaker. We’re here looking for Macho Man, we were traveling with him before we got split up. I recently got a tip that he might be here helping rebuild the school after the attack by Hogan’s Hooligans.” The two guards look at one another and almost look ready to laugh in your face for suggesting you’re acquainted with the wrestlers you’ve named, only to become dumbstruck as El Disgusto, The Rock and The Undertaker actually walk up behind you. “H… hang on, you’re actually Gregory? Like, the guy who saved Hollow Hold from the Hooligans, that Gregory?” the first guard stammers, before being interrupted by the second. “Yeah, Macho Man’s here. He’s been telling us all about you guys! We were just expecting someone, you know, taller…

The Undertaker approaches the guards, who begin trembling as he gets very up close and personal with them. “Well fellas, now that you know it’s really us, may we come in and take a look around for our friend?” “Yes sir! Sorry sir!” both guards shout in unison as they step out of the way, giving you access to Hollow Hold’s main courtyard. The Undertaker chuckles to himself as you all make your way into the courtyard.

Looking around the courtyard, you see dozens of wrestlers and young wrestlers-in-training dashing about, some carrying books and other educational supplies while others are carrying wood, stone bricks and various tools between the school’s towers, which are all in varying states of disrepair. There’s so much hustle and bustle around the school that you’re almost unsure of where to start.

You’re in the main courtyard of Hollow Hold, surrounded by students, faculty and damaged buildings in the process of being repaired. So far, you’ve seen no sign of Macho Man. Because the author is stupid and forgetful, the last few of these “You Are Here” footers have forgotten to mention at least one item; so as a reminder you are carrying a multitool, some gauze, a healing poultice, a partial bottle of tunnel drink, one tub of whey, a can of creamed corn, and a money pouch containing 2340 coins, and have been equipped with the Holy BBQ Shoes.

What will you do?

> Ask around about Macho Man's whereabouts.

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