Go with The Rock to meet the head of the order.

May 22, 2024 (Last modified Tue Oct 15 2024 9:26 PM -0400)

Sure, I’ll come with you to meet this elder. Where to?The Rock looks pleased by your response. “Very good, this shouldn’t take long. Elder Roderick should still be meditating in the Eternal Arena, I’ll lead the way.” With that, The Rock leads you and the rest of the party out of the temple.

You’re led west down the main road through Wrestler’s Rest, and after only a few minutes the rows of dormitories have given way to a sea of headstones and crypts cloaked in a low fog. You continue to walk for several minutes as The Rock leads your crew deeper into the necropolis, before finally stopping at the base of a tall stone platform with a set of steps ascending up one side. You notice this looks very similar to where you saw The Rock meditating in your vision. The Rock begins leading you up the steps, while El Disgusto and The Undertaker wait at the base. “This meeting’s for you, we’ll keep watch. And don’t worry too much, the elder’s pretty chill.The Undertaker says as you follow The Rock up the steps.

At the top of the platform you see a cloaked figure sitting with his back to you. He’s dressed similarly to the other monks you’ve seen, except his robe and hood are trimmed with a golden stripe. The Rock approaches the figure, saying “Elder Roderick, I return. I’d like to introduce you to Gregory.” The figure stands up to face you and lowers his hood, revealing the ghostly face of a middle-aged man with light brown hair.

Ahh, there he is, Good to finally meet you Gregory! I keep trying to tell The Rock here that I’m not really one for formalities, so don’t worry about that ‘Elder Roderick’ crap. You can call me Roddy, or Rowdy’ Roddy if you’re a fan, though my rowdy days are long behind me now.” “Roddy” extends a hand, which you reciprocate for a handshake. “Now then, Rocky here tells me you and your little squad are trying to put a stop to John Cena and all those other crazies trying to take over Wrestlemania, is that right?” “That’s right, we…” you begin to reply, only for Roddy to immediately cut you off. “Great! My order here doesn’t usually like to take sides, but we’ll offer any support we can if it means restoring peace to Wrestlemania. Just be careful of who you trust, particularly people in high places. Catch my drift?” “I think so, I…” you start, but you’re quickly cut off again by a hearty laugh from the elder.

Haha, atta boy! Take good care of this one Dwayne, he’s got a good head on his shoulders. Now then, I need to get back to my meditation. But don’t you worry, when things start heating up, the Order of the Resting Wrestlers will be there.” With that, Elder Roddy turns away and returns to his meditation. Quite the conversationalist. The Rock leads you back down to the base of the platform to rejoin your group.

You’re in The Eternal Arena, somewhere near central Wrestlemania. You’ve managed to reunite with El Disgusto and The Rock, and have leads on Macho Man, The Ultimate Warrior and Mankind. In your pack you’re carrying a tub of whey, a roll of gauze, a healing poultice, and a multitool. Will you continue on to Hollow Hold as planned, or head off on some other wacky adventure?

> Encourage my party members to join me in a rousing wrestling wartime song as we make our way onwards to Hollow Hold.

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