Help The Rock hand out soup, then catch him up on our escapades after.

May 20, 2024 (Last modified Tue May 21 1:47 AM -0400)

We don’t have anything else going on in town, so we could help hand out the food for a bit. That work for you guys?” You look to your two companions, who nod in affirmation. The Rock looks pleased with your response. “Very good, I’m sure the monks will be pleased to have the help. All you should need to do is carry bowls of soup out to the refugees, then return the empty bowls back to the kitchen.” Sounds simple enough.

You, The Undertaker and El Disgusto each grab a tray and a few bowls of soup, but before you can start heading into the main hall The Rock calls out once more. “Actually, El Disgusto, maybe you’d be better off hanging back here in the kitchen. I’m sure Gregory and The Undertaker can handle the soup, how about you help out with cleaning the dishes? Put that garbagemancy of yours to good use.El Disgusto looks slightly dejected as he puts down the tray of soup, but perks up once he sees the stack of filthy bowls piling up by the sink.

With your roles squared away, you and your allies get started with assisting the monks, and it doesn’t take long for you to start getting into a groove. You and The Undertaker each grab a tray with two bowls of soup on them, carry them out to the main hall of the temple and pass the bowls to the hungry refugees waiting in line. You then retrieve a stack of used bowls and return them to the kitchen to El Disgusto, who uses his garbagemancy to instantly whisk the bowls clean. You continue this process for what feels like hours, and as you work the line of refugees gradually thins out. Eventually you hear the temple bells ring out 12 times, which you assume indicates noon, and not long after you finally run out of people to feed. Satisfied with your good deed, you, The Undertaker and El Disgusto finally meet up with The Rock in the now empty inner sanctum.

Thank you all for the help, now I believe we have much to discuss.The Rock looks to you first, with a slightly puzzled look on his face. “First I must ask, how did you find me so quickly? When I awoke after drinking the tunnel drink and saw I was alone, I thought for sure it would be ages before we could find one another again. Yet here you are, with El Disgusto in tow no less.

I actually have The Undertaker to thank for that, somehow the tunnel drink dumped me on his doorstep. He helped me perform a scrying ritual and that gave me a lead on you and the others. We were actually heading to Hollow Hold to look for Macho Man when The Undertaker pointed out that the graveyard we saw you in during the ritual was probably here in Wrestler’s Rest.

The Rock looks to The Undertaker with a cautious smile on his face. “Ahh, it figures The Undertaker would be able to help you with such a ritual, you must have seen me during my morning communion with the monks. Normally I would object to being spied on without my knowledge, but under the circumstances I don’t think I can complain.The Undertaker looks pleased with himself, but you’re immediately curious about this communion. “Hang on, what was it you were doing with the monks?” You ask The Rock.

The monks and I have been performing a morning communion in The Eternal Arena each day since I arrived here. We have been attempting to channel the spirits for leads on Cena and Bubungo, but so far we have had little progress. It’s almost as if we’ve been encountering some kind of psychic interference, blocking the spirits from communicating.” At first you think how bizarre this seems, but then you remember your ritual also had some interference. “Actually, something similar happened while I was scrying. I tried to spy on Bubungo, but all I saw was a vision of Vince. It was weird too, almost like he knew I was scrying on him.The Rock looks concerned by this development.

Vince? This is unfortunate news you bring me, but I wish I could say I was surprised. After I arrived here I explained to the monks where I had come from, and they also indicated I should be wary of Vince. Apparently the circumstances of his death and their inability to raise his spirit were more suspicious than I had known, and his recent revival has caused quite a stir. Perhaps we were too quick in our choice to side with him…” Well this is an unexpected development, what in the world is going on? A cold silence washes over your party.

You, The Undertaker, El Disgusto and The Rock remain seated in the main hall of the Wrestler’s Rest temple. Is there anything else you would like to say to break the silence?

> Start ranting about Dragon's Hollow again to break the silence.

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