Gather up what supplies we can find and resume our journey.

April 26, 2024 (Last modified Fri Oct 18 2024 1:08 AM -0400)

Alright, let’s pack up what we can and we’ll head out.” you say to your team as you make your way back over to the remains of your sleeping spot. After a few minutes of scrounging, you’re able to recover one tub of protein powder, one can of corn, your multitool and your coin pouch, all mostly unharmed. You also find your first aid kit crushed and its contents scattered, but are able to salvage a roll of gauze and a healing poultice from what remains. Unfortunately, your sleeping bag, canteen, and the rest of your remaining food are either ruined or missing. You stuff the salvaged camp supplies back into your pack along with the partial bottle of tunnel drink. Looking around to your companions, you see El Disgusto has been busy stuffing fistfuls of moss, mud and ash into his old pouch, while The Undertaker has retrieved his orb of fire and is now tucking some scraps from his burnt tent into his coat pocket.

Alright, everybody ready?” you ask your friends. The Undertaker nods and joins you by your side, and El Disgusto hops to his feet with nothing more than a “Yup!” and runs to join him. The three of you begin along the trail again, but after only a moment The Undertaker suddenly stops. “Oh wait,” he starts, “Nearly forgot the other orb.” He then snaps his fingers, and suddenly the bright light illuminating the trail fades and the orb of light falls to the ground next to you. The Undertaker grabs the orb and returns it to his coat pocket, and the three of you finally head off down the trail.

You and your companions trek through the night, walking quickly and quietly so as to hopefully avoid any further interruptions. Following the road southwest, you gradually leave the rugged, hilly terrain of the Wrestlemanian Highlands behind you and eventually find yourself in the more familiar plains of central Wrestlemania. Several hours pass, and eventually by early morning you spot what appears to be a large settlement straddling the road ahead. After what feels like hours of silence, The Undertaker finally speaks up again. “Wrestler’s Rest, coming up.

Will you stop in Wrestler’s Rest to look for The Rock like The Undertaker suggested, or continue on towards Hollow Hold as you originally planned?

> Head to Wrestler's Rest and try to find the site The Rock was meditating in.

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